Project Overview

I was tasked as the UX Researcher & Designer to help set up a lead generation platform on a new startup. This would need to include features such as quick purchases, lead conversion metrics, customer/service provider contact function and much more.

Initial Research

My first point of call was to understand the sort of clients that would be using a lead generation tool. So I went about doing some research on the web to find out current thoughts, feelings and usage of lead generation platforms. This is some of the data I came across:

So this highlighted some needs amongst our users.

After getting a feel for the current market and statistics, I wanted to also find out what were the leaders in the current market. I came across Bark and

      One of the most popular and user friendly Lead Generation platforms and here are some features I noticed: is a world leading lead generation platform and these are the features I noticed:

After considering the market and statistics, we started to use this data to ideate what is needed for a lead generation platform to be successful and this is what we came up with:

These were a main brainstormed ideas and this was also based off of research we found, particular the report done at the Georgian Technical University, Tibilsi.

User Journey Mapping

From the research we had gathered we wanted to start putting together and ideating specific journeys users may take when using a lead generation platform. After discussing potential steps and the story of a user together as a team with the developers and product owner, we came up with this user journey:

This helped us to identify potential points where the lead generation platform could address pain points and be of use to the user earlier on in the journey.

After gathering this research and user data, were decided to get down some potential features/aspects the site would need. After brainstorming, we decided on these features:

Wireframes and High-Fidelity

With this data, I started coming up with some designs. Our first port of call was what would the dashboard look like? It would need to be intuitive and responsive, with an overview page which would allow easy movement through the platform to the most crucial areas for service providers: marketplace (leads/projects), leads which are held and overall performance. For users, they would need to be able to easily see the projects/leads they'd created and their status (whether they had received a call/message/update on their project)

Below are the wireframes I came up with for service providers:

After settling on these wireframes and them being signed off by the product owner, we moved on to the high fidelity designs.

Some of the features or layouts in the wireframes were later amended, to fit in with UI guidelines and to give the dashboard a cleaner/leaner look to aid usability and accessibility.